CORRIERE DELLA SERA - At the opening: "The network Bisignani shadow" left: "Tension between Napolitano and Maroni on Libya." In high-cut: "Assad does not yield. The last trench? ". Editorial Franco Venturini: "A question of credibility." In the middle photo-news: "Greece, the European ultimatum. And Moody's warns Eni and Enel "and" Lele Mora in his cell in Milan for fraudulent bankruptcy. Judge: danger of flight. " In the low-cut: "Violence of a girl group" and "Decline of the former profession of dental gold."
LA REPUBBLICA - Opening: "Libya Quirinal-League clash." Aldo Schiavone editorial: "The trench of the Hill" and Adriano Sofri: "Do not wait until July 25." Shoulder: "2011 escape from the old television." In the middle photo-news: "Read admits Bisignani spoke to me of the investigation. Here are the new cards on the P4. Moretti investigated, for Fs "and" Greece, sent aid. EU: Italy is not at risk. " In the low-cut, "Lele Mora stopped fraudulent bankruptcy" and "Tears of Lords."
LA STAMPA - Opening: "Napolitano tow the league: we are lined up in Libya" and high-cut: "Economics, politics, services. 'Bisignani knew us,' "and" Arrested Lele Mora. 'She has money in Switzerland and could get away'. " Marcello Sorgi Editorial: "The void under the slogans". Shoulder: "America is closed in itself" and "London And leave Europe". In the middle photo-news: "At nine suicide bombers forced" and "'if it saves only Greece has a plan'." At the bottom of page: "The second power Ferrara."
IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "Blizzard of BPM: the stock market collapse and Pm in the field" and high-cut "Cession at risk Tirrenia: Cin postponing the signing of the contract" and "For the increase of Fondiaria Sai-off to 30-40 percent. " Editorials by Alessandro Leipold: "This Europe is not worth the IMF" and Giorgio Barba Navaretti: "A few samples and too many weights." At the center of the photo-news: "Juncker. 'Italy is not in danger'. " Shoulder: "Read: 'Bisignani friend of all, do not exclude that told me about the investigation" and "Napolitano is our duty to remain deployed in Libya. Maroni: fix the date of withdrawal. " In the low-cut "bonus for recruitment to the South only after the go-European free" and "The move to the North for 33 000".
IL GIORNALE - Opening: "Barrel for all: Gelmini, Mara Carfagna, Prestigiacomo, D'Alema, Blowjob, Etc.", with editorial Alessandro Sallusti. At the center of the photo-story: "And now Lele Mora ends in cell" and "Greece is on strike but failed. Now save his workers. " Shoulder, "Napolitano tow the League. The Cav is increasingly in the saddle. " At the bottom of page: "Come on, let's go right to seek the beautiful."
LIBERO - Opening: "Secrets of the vice-read", with Maurizio Belpietro editorial. At the center of the photo-news: "Italy's center-right is already divided into three" and "In the League the rags fly." At bottom: "We do not save Greece: each car has 50 drivers blue" and "the best MEP is the flimsy".
IL TEMPO - Opening: "Investigation on the P4 siding." At the center of the photo-news: "ministeropoli. Transfer them to the North Coast 2 billion. "
IL FOGLIO- At the opening on the left: "The Cav seeking confidence but finds more trouble between Napolitano and Bossi". At the opening on the right: "The postponement of the greek saving depresses the stock of a divided Europe." At the center, "sixty-four thousand Syrians."
L’UNITÀ - Opening photo-page news to all: "Raining Stones".
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