BBC News - At the opening: "Three tax rates, here is the reform", with commentary by Dario Di Vico, "Why is a disappointing outcome." Editorial Ernesto Galli della Loggia: "The insecurity and fragility." Shoulder: "Contracts on the last meters to go." In the middle photo-news: "The Return of Mary, seven years after" and "You break the deal between Santoro and La7. The leaves Annunziata Rai ". In the low-cut: "'The head of mobile helped the clan'."
THE REPUBLIC - Opening: "Taxation, three years for the reform." Editorial Claudio Tito: "The policy of the court." On the left: "Napolitano: stop forcing policies to Bank of Italy" and "The relief of Via Nazionale." Shoulder: "When America was like the Roman Empire." In the middle photo-news: "Naples, accusations against the head of Mobile, 'He helped a suspect, he encouraged the clans'" and "Way to waste the decree, but the league said no." In a box: "Skip the contract with La7, Santoro attacks: 'It's the conflict of interests'." In the low-cut "from India to Europe, rare earths that run our lives" and "But you can race in the Tour without ever eating meat?".
THE PRESS - Opening: "Taxation, reform in three years" and high-cut, "Marchionne and contracts: 'The agreement is not enough'" and "The Fiom Camusso challenge." Editorial Francesco Guerrera, "The U.S. saved Europe errors." Shoulder, "Napolitano: no to forced Bank of Italy of" and "Palazzo Koch is not like the Rai". In the middle photo-news: "Protests against the raids in Libya, Sarkozy attacked". At bottom: "Naples, investigated the head of Mobile, 'Favors to the clans'" and "Annunciation Raitre leaves. Santoro, no La7 ".
IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "Yes to the decree of the government accounts" and high-cut: "German banks to the aid of Athens. Rescheduling 3.2 billion of securities "and" increases in bills for energy and gas. Inflation at 2.7 percent. " Editorial Dear Guido: "A commitment in the midst of tensions." Shoulder: "Q & A on understanding contracts Fiat-Confindustria" and "waste crisis in Naples on the decree but the league said no." In the low-cut, "Napolitano: no to conflicts of Bank of Italy" and "General holds in Russia: VTB framework agreement with the board by the summer."
THE NEWSPAPER - Opening: "reducing taxes for young entrepreneurs." Editorials by Pier Ferdinando Casini: "Now I'll tell you who really, if done under the" Victor and Felt: "I scared the smell of crowded." At the center of the photo-news: "The mischievous charms La7 Santoro." At the bottom of page: "The right does the accounts, the stories left."
FREE - Opening: "The caste refers cuts", with editorial Matthias Mainiero. In high-cut, "Santoro turns out that only the Rai gave him license to kill." At the center of the photo-news: "Few want Alfano, everyone will vote." Shoulder: "The dream ended in the metro blue" and "anti-Cav The actor beat women." At the bottom of page: "And 'let's stop now."
THE TIME - Opening: "The self-assessed". At the center of the photo-news: "Telesceneggiata".
THE PACKAGE - At the opening on the left: "Switching from marathon runners, but in the end Tremonti puts all along." At the opening on the right: "The Challenge of Confindustria, Fiat a few hours results in consensus." In the middle: "Obama is the war in Somalia."
UNIT - Opening photo-page news to all: "The great refusal". In high-cut: "Dark of health, state and services. But the government wants to trust. "
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