BBC News - At the opening: "The Hunt for Gaddafi and their children from house to house." Massimo Nava's editorial: "The country that will." In the middle: "'We the lives of two boys'." Shoulder, right: "Tremonti contrary to the changes discussed by the PDL." In the low-cut: "'household gods corrupted, but the offense is required'".
REPUBLIC - Opening: "Battle in Tripoli, Rais hunt." In the middle: "Penati, 'serious corruption' but required." Below: "What will happen to Apple without the guru Steve Jobs." And again: "So I fought with my anorexia."
THE PRESS - Opening: "New Libya, Italy and France challenge." Above, the testimony of Domenico Quirico: "'I saw the hatred of the killer. But I'm alive '. " The editorial by Paul Johnson: "Duel to the deal." In the middle: "The League: a tax against the Dodgers."
THE NEWSPAPER - Opening: "Penati saved from prison." The editorial by Alessandro Sallusti: "Formigoni learn from Libya." The fotonotizia: "What if you slide the own-goal season." In the middle: "Italy secures deals with Tripoli."
IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "Buffett to the rescue by Bank of America." Middle: Now the crucial challenge for Apple is called the i-Team. " In a box: "Germany and the great thrill."
THE MESSENGER - Opening: "The latest challenge to Gaddafi." In the middle: "Provinces, is already reversing." In a box: "Tangents former Falck, two arrests. The GIP: prescription for Penati ". Below: "Sanctions for the beloved books." And again: "Violence (true) and fiction."
FREE - Opening: "'The man is a corrupt Bersani'". The editorial by Massimo De 'Manzoni: "Mr secretary enlighten us." The fotonotizia: "Italy Future of babies without a helmet." Below: "Gaddafi has hunted, now we have to pay."
THE TIME - Opening: "So Berlusconi launches post-Gaddafi". The editorial by Mario Sechi: "The pragmatism of the Knight". The analysis of Jean Charles: "The new season does not wither." In the middle: "Give the players a kick of gold." Shoulder, the fotonotizia: "Disaster Rome. It is outside of Europe. "
UNITA '- Opening: "Sting on the referendum." Claudio Sardo's editorial: "The common good". At the center, the fotonotizia: "Manhunt".
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