
giovedì 22 settembre 2011


BBC News - At the opening: "I go, I will speak to the country." Shoulder: "'Standard & Poor's ball seven Italian banks". Massimo Franco's editorial: "A dangerous isolation." Fotonotizia center: "Obama to the Palestinians: no shortcuts". " Below: "Officers, patrol: guerrilla warfare in Lampedusa."

REPUBLIC - Opening: "Bossi Berlusconi will save." The background: The selection of senatur 'Silvio until January'. " At the center fotonotizia: "One day of war in Lampedusa illegal hunting after the uprising." Shoulder: Rich and poor split States of America '. Below: "Thus Italy wasted the treasure of the Internet".

THE PRESS - Opening: "Milanese, high voltage rating." Michele Brambilla Editorial: "A heavy detachment from relata". Fotonotizia: "Suu Kyi, Burma's spring in New York." In the middle: "Stanfard & Poor's punishing banks. Cut its rating to seven institutions. " Above: "Guerrilla in Lampedusa 'The Tunisian away in 48 hours'." Below: "Ranieri has signed agreement of two years."

THE NEWSPAPER - Opening: "Di Pietro plays with the dead." Editorial by Victor Felts: "Milanese free? I'll bet. " Fotonotizia center: "Save Italians hostages in Lampedusa." Shoulder: Marcegaglia resign from your hypocrisy. "

FREE - Opening: "'Anti Silvo triggered. They want the dead. " Franco Bechis editorial: "The test method pm Cavalier and does not like." At the center of the fotonotizia: "The primary thing to the Democratic Party are anti-mafia". Below: "Right and gay rights my complaint"

IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "IMF: European banks to strengthen." Editorial Stefano Folli: "And 'Real's future at stake." Above: "In Lampedusa clashes and injuries Maroni illegal immigrants arriving in 48 hours." Fotonotizia Athens cut pensions and salaries. " Below: "Contracts, by the new rules."

THE MESSENGER - Opening: "Berlusconi: I'm going forward." The editorial by Stephen Caps: "The shot that just damage to the country." At the center of the fotonotizia: "Redemption Lazio, Inter Ranieri" fotonotizia other at the center: "Guerrilla in Lampedusa." Bottom: "The Beatles" Noantri '". And again: "Prisons, ignored the scandal."

THE TIME - Opening: "Attack on Italian banks." The editorial by Mario Sechi: "The landing there." At the center, the fotonotizia "resist or give up?". Shoulder: "Case Milanese (and government) in or out." Below: "Girls overwhelmed by a statue."

UNITA '- At the center fotonotizia: "Italy prisoner." Ronny Mazzocchi's editorial: "The bus Saccomanni". Above: "Camusso: a signature for change" at the bottom: "Ustica, falls on the glass ceiling. The DC9 was shot down. "

THE FACT NEWSPAPER - Opening: "The Milan public prosecutor denounces' Room B. accomplice." Editorial Marco Travaglio: "Top (a) five". Below: "Premier boiled but Bossi is worse." And again: "Finmeccanica Lady Speaks: 'But Intini Tarantini and we could save them'."

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