
giovedì 17 novembre 2011


BBC News - At the opening: "Jura Mountains, the government: 'It will be a race.'" At the center fotonotizia: "The ceremony no show." The editorial by Massimo Franco: "Reliability and fragility." Right: "Gianni Letta and the thanks of Napolitano."Shoulder: "Interior, Justice and Labor. Three women in key roles. " Two boxin in centropagina: "Those too many positions in the banks" and "De Benedetti has finished a TV series."Right: "The stodgy rooms of fasting." Below: "The BTP-November 28 will be the Day." Bottom left: "The file: beatings in overcrowded prisons." Bottom center: "The Pope kissing a fake imam. Benetton shock advertising retires. "
THE REPUBLIC - Opening: "The government of the 18 professors." The editorial by Ezio Mauro: "Now the reforms."Right Comment by Massimo Giannini: "The miracle of Mr. Spread." Shoulder: "Berlusconi: we are in good hands, but Alfano: get ready to vote." At the center: "The lintels of super Mario." Right: "When the curtain falls on the heroic talk show host." Far right: "That group photo from the fire to frost." Bottom left: "The Vatican clears the kiss between Pope and Imam."Bottom right: "All of Italy Balotelli running for us."

THE PRESS - Opening: "Mountains to work: 'Time Travel'."Editorial by Mario Calabresi: "Down the curtain on the political show." To the right of Mario Deaglio comment: "No one is saved alone." In the middle three boxin: "Work and Pensions, the key challenges", "Two oaths in 'deferred'" and "Ministers, the Turin-Milan." Right: "Obama opens the front of the Chinese." Further down: "Benetton withdrew the kisses of the Pope"; even lower: "Hunting foxes in the Vatican." At bottom: "Mouthfuls of normality."
THE JOURNAL - Opening: "The new masters." Editorial Sallusti of Alexander with the title of opening. On the right editorial Victor Felts: "When the lackeys beat the speculators."A centropagina: "Banks, the Church and universities: the Cencelli of powers". Far right: "Since the conflict of interest concerning the conflict of interests." Search box in the center: "'Against Berlusconi even a trial.'" Below the heading of Marcello Veneziani: "A man machine to run the country."
FREE - Opening: "The Government of the nerds." Left: "The imprint of the big powers and the Vatican. Right: "Among the 17 ministers also the richest woman in Italy" In the middle: "But the PDL spare wheel is now facing the implosion." Below: "From Don Penates Verzè the system explodes Milan."
IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "The government has vowed Mountains: time travel." Editorial by Roberto Napolitano: "The duty to do." Shoulder: "From Italy to Europe to relaunch the streets." A centropagina two comments: "Dear Mario, just growth" and "Time bipartisan sacrifices." Bottom Center: "New-saving measures euros." Two search box at the bottom: "The challenge of the markets: to break the Union" and "A 'supermoneta' own damage Germany."
THE MESSENGER - Opening: "The government swears Mountains: time travel." The editorial by Mario Orfeo, "For accounts and rely on." Right: "The compass of the Quirinal Palace" and "thanks to Gianni Letta 'man of the institutions.'"Shoulder: "Sparrow: 'More work and development. Severino: a woman to justice. " Right: "Skills for women." Bottom: "Pensions, the first floor: contribution system for all." Bottom center: "The stock market turns positive, but the spread remains high."
TIME - Opening: "The Government of Monti was born on the Hill." The editorial by Mario Sechi: "Three pillars and a project."At the center: "Over two hours with the rebus read-Beloved."Always at the center: "The Cav splits. And the deputy will go to the streets. " Far right: "An executive technical and unique.More than expected ". Right: "The Commissioner professor and political parties."
UNITY '- Opening the fotonotizia "strong powers". Above: "Finally you change the air." The editorial by Claudio Sardo: "The government of President." Bottom left: "Women and dignity." Bottom left: "The last shot of the Gelmini: cuts on the stock." Below: "The real unemployment: unemployed Italians out of 13 percent." At the bottom far right: "Blood and assaults.Syria slides toward war. " Bottom right: "Speak Guidolin: 'Winning or ride to beat anxiety.'"
THE DAILY FACTS - Opening: "God, family and banks."Antonio Padellaro editorial: "We like and dislike." Editorial by Mark Labor: "From Patonza to flounder." At the center: "Snitches and Ingroia against CSM." Below: "can not live on beauty alone." Bottom right: "Invoices inflated and sealed envelopes. Don Verzé investigated. " (IlVelino / AGV)

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