lunedì 28 maggio 2012
Italian newspapers front pages
INSIDE THE NIGHT - Opening: "A cardinal among the suspects." Under the opening three boxini: "Too many gray areas, to stop the drift", "Take away 4 boxes from the house of Gabriel. 'He did not act alone' "and" The quiet force (mistaken for apathy) that guides the Pope. " Left editorial Giovanni Sartori, "The nonsense and reform." At the center fotonotizia: "The Tour awards a Canadian on the day of Milan". Right to centropagina: "The transfer of Formigoni and spacious villa in Sardinia Daccò bought." Below: "The friend of the Celestial between tasks and business." Far right: "The UN condemns the Syrian regime." Below: "And Moretti forgot Hollywood." Boxino in footings: "'We cheat so'. A twelve year anti Banks wins the network. "
THE REPUBLIC - Opening: "'This is who are the ravens of the Vatican.'" Below the opening comments of Corrado Augias: "Crimes and punishments on the throne of Peter." To the right of Adriano Sofri comment: "In Greece the beggars test of democracy." Left: "The stop of the Mountains on the reform of the CSM: 'Initiative inappropriate.'" Bottom left Massimo Giannini editorial: "The duty of truth." Top three titles: "'Hotel Divorce' in the USA for a weekend just to say goodbye", "Islam, foreigners and Brussels the three walls of Europe" and "The Ferrari of Alonso in Monaco, and the third leading Formula 1." A centropagina: "Formigoni in the storm: Do not give in to blackmail". Below, the analysis of Piero Colaprico: "Boats, adjustments, receipts, all the lies of the Celestial". Far right: "The appointment of non Montezemolo." Bottom two titles: "Dallara, an engineer in the myth of Indianapolis" and "Cannes, Garrone makes an encore. The Grand Prix to 'Reality' ".
THE PRESS - Opening: "The UN condemns Syria." Editorial by Gianni Riotta left: "One way to avoid tragedy." Two titles in the opening: left "Kepel: No one agrees that this regime collapses" and right "Arrests and threats. The return of Putin. " Top fotonotizia: "Schools, military and transport: here comes the 'City Plan'." Top right: "New allegations Formigoni besieged. 'Do not give in to blackmail.' " Shoulder: "The Pope says we live in a Babel. It expands the network of spies. " Below, always right: "A San Pietro a people disoriented." Still lower intervention Vladimiro Zagrebelsky: "What divides Italy from Europe." At the very center fotonotizia: "The 'reality' Garrone's Cannes has seduced." Bottom two titles dedicated to the sport, "Alonso third, but it is worth gold" and "A Canadian in Milan."
THE JOURNAL - Opening: "Nothing IMU, now you can." To the left of Alexander Sallusti editorial: "The whistles and the newspapers." A centropagina fotonotizia: "The office of the under-40. Here are the faces of the new PDL. " To the right of intervention by Renato Brunetta, "ECB and Eurobonds: five moves to save the euro". At the operations center of Anna Maria Bernini: "The turning point of the institutions? It is an act of courage. " Rightmost comment Magdi Cristiano Allam: "In the storm I'm with the Pope." Below the heading of Francesco Alberoni: "Italy has a future. If you find your past. "
IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "Taxes and tariffs, firms under fire." Left editorial Forquet Fabrizio: "Revenue growth and when the time of the promises." A centropagina: "In a jungle of health costs." Boxino below: "To the roof voucher for 5 thousand euros on total compensation." Below: "For the sites of the ministries report only the sufficiency." Two boxini to bottom right: "The difficulties of Greece and Spain weigh on the price lists, investors seeking shelter rediscover the markets of Eastern Europe" and "costs of crime: the controls on the carousel fraud GdF and offices also aim recovery of VAT is not deductible. " Four titles in footings: "The 'slowdown' change the business", "Increase the appeals referee bank", "From July cheaper roaming" and "Revaluation last appeal."
THE MESSENGER - Opening: "'A cardinal led the Crow.'" On the left Paul Pombeni editorial: "The politics, ethics and the case Formigoni". Fotonotizia on the left: "Zeman at Roma, on the day of signature." Under the opening on the right: "Syria condemns the massacre, Russia threatened to veto the UN". A centropagina "expenditure, cuts of 100 billion." On the right in other centropagina fotonotizia: "Cannes, Garrone win back the Grand Prix." Bottom left: "Capri, revolt against the high-hydrofoils, the inhabitants block the port." Right bottom: "From mosquito to spread Korean, will be very hot summer."
TIME - Opening: "The cardinals divided by the Bank of God." Left Mario Sechi editorial with the title of opening. At the center fotonotizia sull'ultimatum Vendola and Di Pietro to the PD: "The photo of Broad? Ripped ". Below: "Mountains of the CSM does not touch the judges." Four titles on the right, top to bottom: "The center is there but need some ideas," "Assault of the moderates to the diligence of the PDL", "not only to the landfill and the protest of fire" and "Alonso third in Monaco is the first in the World ". Below: "Garrone won the Grand Prix at Cannes."
UNITY - Opening: "Formigoni can no longer remain." On the left Rinaldo Gianola editorial: "President incompatible." Two titles on Formigoni below the opening: "Reaction after accusations of Daccò: Do not give in to blackmail" and "Admissions, I did some traveling." Shoulder: "The Pope speaks of 'Babel'. You hunt for accomplices. " Below: "The true German interests." Above: "'Amour' wins Cannes, Garrone the Grand Prix." At the center fotonotizia: "The condemnation of Assad divided the world." Bottom left: "The challenge of Bersani: Pd a more open". Lower down, left: "civic lists: Emiliano Fassina and speak." Always at the bottom: "The show becomes indignant." Far right: "The mayors of the earthquake: Monti not to abandon us." Right: "Buzzetti (Reeds): construction helps growth." (IlVelino / AGV)
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