
venerdì 7 ottobre 2011


BBC News - At the opening: "Government moves in the PDL." The editorial by Ernesto Galli Della Loggia: "Treated badly (and silently). Shoulder: "The painful dilemma between love and law." Above: "Goodbye Steve, an engineer of our dreams", by Beppe Severgnini. Fotonotizia center: "The West and Afghanistan, the war of ten years." Even in the middle, Giuliano Ferrara, "The Knight organize the output from Berlusconi." Bottom: "The choice of Bombassei runs for Confindustria". Still down: "The Nobel Tranströmer" poet of silence. "

THE REPUBLIC - Opening: "Thanks Steve, we've changed." Above: "Ready for the cancellation, the moderates of the PDL to the tear." The background of Bei Francis "Palazzo Chigi and Commissioner Tremonti Bankitalia check Beloved." At the center, Wozniak interview: "In the garage where it all started." Below: "Hollande, the ordinary man who wants the throne of France." Still down: "The advertising of Silvio in command of two years."

THE PRESS - Opening: "Justice, attack on the Proxies. Conti, returned the idea of ​​amnesty. " Massimo Gramellini Editorial: "Champion of a time past." At the center fotonotizia "Barletta, a day of tears and controversy." Shoulder Jovanotti interview: "Jobs, We need models like him." Bottom: "The Nobel Prize for literature rediscovered poetry."

THE NEWSPAPER - Opening: "Another house Scajola" Victor Felts. At the center, the fotonotizia: "The opposition voted for the bill Mastella". Even in the middle: "Marcegaglia is morality in public and in private bargains on bribes." Below: "Vanna Marchi back to sell. Behind the bar. "

IL SOLE 24 ORE - Opening: "ECB in the field, flying the stock." Editorial Pierpaolo Benigno: "We treat the disease not the symptoms." Above: "Farewell, Steve Jobs, the genius who changed the world". Middle: The decree on October 20 to slide development. "

THE MESSENGER - Opening: "Bossi elections before 2013." Above: "The Farewell to the genius of Jobs: He changed the world." The editorial by Paul Graldi: "A life in the future." At the center of the fotonotizia: "At Barletta tears, anger and 9 suspects." Even in the middle: "The last of Silvio. The new party? "Come on Celebrities." Shoulder: "The Nobel dell'antisnobismo". Below: "In Rome, taxi worst."

THE TIME - Opening: "Jump around, Berlusconi surpasses the PDL." The editorial by Mario Sechi: "Quicksand and revolution." At the center, the fotonotizia: "Doris, the Italians are rich." Below: "Jobs, the genius who did not cry."

UNITA '- Opening: "The PDL does not serve anyone anymore." At the center of the fotonotizia: "Women of Italy." Silvano Andriani's analysis: "The right recipe." The background of Ninni Andriolo: "The Premier is afraid of the Catholics." At the bottom, "Field of Dreams" by Walter Veltroni.

THE FACT NEWSPAPER - Opening: "The supertestimone B. is a rapist. " Antonio Padellaro Editorial: "The eunuchs and the sultan." Middle: The Peter of the hill because votassimo Mattarella pressures. " Even in the middle: "Farewell to Steve Jobs, the man of the future that is already legend." Below: "All wars against judges."

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